Let’s start with Pivot Point. Perfect name! We all know what
a Pivot Point is as the point of balance. But, what if it is more? The point of
the paths we take. Addison has a choice to make in two different realities, two
different possibilities and yes, two different boys. Which path should she
choose? She can see the outcome before she makes the choice. To say the least
Addison has special abilities.
We finish this with Split Second, after all life can change
in a split second. This book has betrayal, suspicion and non-stop action. I
can’t spoil it, I could never do that. Let’s not forget her best friend has
abilities too; she can re-store Addie’s memories.
The gifted live in the compound. Norms live outside. Her dad
is on the outside while Addie lives inside the compound with her mom. When her
dad asked her to come and visit, life gets more complicated.